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Alphabet A to Z – Black

Alphabet A to Z – Black


Elegant and black painted alphabet for the children’s room.

Adhesive for hanging the letters is included.

The standard height is 10 cm.

Elegant and black painted alphabet for the children’s room.

Adhesive for hanging the letters is included.

The standard height is 10 cm.

    Ekstra informationer:




    power tack included

    A wall decoration that both decorates and teaches

    Does your child have to learn the alphabet? Or is he or she just fond of letters and books? Either way, this wall decoration with the alphabet is, without a doubt, a favorite! The decoration is carved in the most beautiful wood, after which the letters are painted black to fit in any room - whether it houses a girl or a boy! The elegant decorative letters are carved as block letters and have a standard height of 10 centimeters. And the letters are not only a stylish decoration that adorns the children's room but is also practical in terms of practicing the alphabet - with wall decoration, it becomes more fun for the child to learn all the letters from A to Z!

    Quality, ready for installation

    At Villavejen, we value quality incredibly highly, so we never compromise on the materials! We select the very best materials for each and every product, and, in addition, we manufacture the goods for each individual order. Our products are handmade to ensure the high quality we aim for. These beautiful letters come with Blu-Tac, which make it easy to put the letters up on the wall and also make it possible to move them around. This means that you can use the decoration as soon as it comes through the door!

    A unique children’s room for a unique child

    All children are different, which is why we also have a large selection of home interiors for the children's room! These nice letters fit in most places, but if you are looking for something else, we also have plenty of other options. The range includes both figured lamps and mirrors as well as altimeters and much more, so take a look at the page and find your favorites!


    Jeg, Alex Vogn, er glad for at kunne præsentere dig for vores sortiment af smukt håndlavede træprodukter, som alle er fremstillet lige her i Danmark.

    Hver eneste detalje i vores produkter er nøje udformet med kærlighed og omhu af mig selv og mit dedikerede team.

    Vi tilbyder også skræddersyede produkter efter dine ønsker og behov. Hvis du har specifikke idéer eller ønsker at få lavet noget på bestilling, er vi her for at hjælpe dig med at skabe det perfekte træprodukt til dig.

    Det er vigtigt for mig at understrege, at vores produkter bliver lavet på bestilling, hvilket betyder, at selvom du bestiller forskellige ting som et navneskilt, et spejl, en lampe og knager, vil de alle blive lavet af samme stykke træ. Dette sikrer, at træet matcher harmonisk på tværs af dine valgte produkter.

    Tak for at tage dig tid til at kigge på mit arbejde og for at vælge at udforske

    Venlig Hilsen

    Alex Vogn