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Height-measuring unicorn poster

Height-measuring unicorn poster


Height-measuring poster with text and a cute unicorn. With this height-measurer, you get the following:

· A cute and decorative height-measurer for the wall

· An oak magnetic frame is included for the poster

· Unique Danish design

· Made of 180 g/m2 matte paper

· Size of 30 x 106 centimeters

Height-measuring poster with text and a cute unicorn. With this height-measurer, you get the following:

· A cute and decorative height-measurer for the wall

· An oak magnetic frame is included for the poster

· Unique Danish design

· Made of 180 g/m2 matte paper

· Size of 30 x 106 centimeters

    Ekstra informationer:


    260g / m2 Photo paper

    It's a big thing to grow bigger – and this is a huge thing for your child.

    As age increases, height also follows. The taller the child becomes, the older your child will feel. This exciting change in the child's life should be closely followed, and you can do this by measuring the child's height. This is a good way to acknowledge to your child that he or she is growing, and you also acknowledge the child's development. The growth process can be made even more fun and exciting for the child if you measure the child at eye level. Here you can set marks on the door frame or wall to show how tall the child is. You can also save your home by buying a height-measuring unicorn poster instead. This allows you to set as many marks as the child wants to be measured – and it can quickly become many marks.

    Cute unicorn poster with large font

    The motif on the height-measurer is truly child-friendly with a cute unicorn. In addition to the lovely motif, there is an inspiring quote that is very child-friendly. "Every little thing she does is magic" will help your child feel invincible and give the child confidence. In addition to the wonderful motif, the cute unicorn poster has a large font on the numbers. This makes it easy for the child to read how tall he or she has become – and this is the whole point of the height-measurer. The poster will be able to measure the child until he or she reaches 140 cm, and it is therefore useful for a long time. It hangs in a beautiful oak frame that is magnetic. This makes the poster extremely safe and easy to use. With a black leather cord in the frame's top, the cute unicorn poster will have an elegant and attractive expression


    Jeg, Alex Vogn, er glad for at kunne præsentere dig for vores sortiment af smukt håndlavede træprodukter, som alle er fremstillet lige her i Danmark.

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    Vi tilbyder også skræddersyede produkter efter dine ønsker og behov. Hvis du har specifikke idéer eller ønsker at få lavet noget på bestilling, er vi her for at hjælpe dig med at skabe det perfekte træprodukt til dig.

    Det er vigtigt for mig at understrege, at vores produkter bliver lavet på bestilling, hvilket betyder, at selvom du bestiller forskellige ting som et navneskilt, et spejl, en lampe og knager, vil de alle blive lavet af samme stykke træ. Dette sikrer, at træet matcher harmonisk på tværs af dine valgte produkter.

    Tak for at tage dig tid til at kigge på mit arbejde og for at vælge at udforske

    Venlig Hilsen

    Alex Vogn